Hello lovelies,
My sister recommended Night Shift by Annie Crown to me, and I’m extremely grateful that she did. This book was absolutely adorable. It is everything that I would want from a college romance book. I think the reason My sister recommended this book to me is because the main character is studying English in college ( like me, and she hates the sunshine) and working at the campus library in the evening, hence the title Night Shift. One day, when she’s working, the star basketball player at her college walks in looking for a book on poetry for an English class that he’s taking. He’s adorably lost and doesn’t understand anything about what she’s telling him. Things get steamy very quickly, and he's an incredibly warm male main character. He loves listening to her read, finds her knowledge fascinating, and is so enthralled by her it's heartwarming. This book made me realize that I desperately want to be read to by a man…. so I’ll be on the lookout for that. It hits all of my favorite tropes, and unfortunately, some of my least favorite miscommunication is a very big part of this book. To me, that is incredibly frustrating. However, if I think about how young the characters are and inexperienced in the dating world, it can be forgiven due to the fact that the rest of the book is written incredibly well, and while the spicy scenes aren’t the craziest I’ve ever read, they’re incredibly sweet and had me kicking and giggling my feet. The humor in this book is top-tier. I found myself actually laughing out loud, which is something that I love to mention to people when I recommend a book if it’s actually done that for me. This book was filled with snarky one-liners and a man who paid close attention to her enough to know what she was thinking or feeling and use it to make her (and me) laugh. One of my favorite things is having the opportunity actually to laugh out loud at a book. I love it when I get so caught up in a story that I’m not feeling self-conscious about the reactions I’m having to what’s on the page. It feels very freeing and personal. Overall, this book was a four-star out of five, book for me only because miscommunication really is my least favorite trope. I, as an adult woman who has been in a serious long-term relationship, find miscommunication tropes to be unrealistic. However, that is my own experience, so I will not pressure the rest of the world not to enjoy that trope. But overall, they are incredibly written and wonderful characters, and if you’re a Washingtonian, you will love the fact that the main character hates the sun the way that I do. I hope you have a chance to read this book. Happy reading!